
In addition to being functional, wallets also act as an everyday accessory. The look of this fashion accessory should please you as much as its features. Indeed, a good quality leather wallet will last several years, so it should suit your style. Just like handbags or pairs of shoes, wallets are interchangeable; you can opt for a different one depending on the occasions, your looks, or the different seasons. Investing in a genuine leather wallet can save you money overall has you won’t need to replace it as often.


Bags have always been in fashion. Be it for men or women, bags have always been used to enhance the fashion sense. Apart from fancy bags for men or women, professional people can also have an obsession for bags. Professional bags usually mean briefcases. They are smart, sleek and can be trendy. Briefcase bags can be made to look stylish and fashionable too.


Bags have always been in fashion. Be it for men or women, bags have always been used to enhance the fashion sense. Apart from fancy bags for men or women, professional people can also have an obsession for bags. Professional bags usually mean briefcases. They are smart, sleek and can be trendy. Briefcase bags can be made to look stylish and fashionable too.

Pet Accessories

Customisable and personalised designs for pets. Made with fine leather and according to their sizes.


We make other leather products on order as well like - wrist bands, keychains, etc.